Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Super Mario Odyssey Review, TOO MUCH WATER?!?!

Hey there, you actually reading this? okay then, lets see what i got...
Mario Odyssey is the best 3D Mario to date. the end

If only I could be that shallow with my review, but this game is so good that I must give it a review that it deserves. Okay just so you know this won't be a fully objective review, I'm just gonna gush about why I love this game. 

So let's get started with the freegin review people! Lets start off simple, so the game doesn't waste your time with some long intro like some of the other 3D Mario games like...

Super Mario Odyssey throws right into the Princesses capture and then BAM you start playing. Every world that you enter just explodes with creativity. From the way that Mario runs to the amount of moves that Mario is capable of everything that you do in the game just feels good. After years of the same exact locations and characters it's awesome to see a game packed with the same creativity that made everyone love Mario in the first place. Even after I beat the game I still feel like I've just barely touched all of the great stuff that the game is hiding. Even after the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Nintendo blows me away once again.

Every world gives you all sorts of new gameplay elements but unlike most AAA games they don't overstay their welcome. That leads me to another thing this game does. The game does a ton of things that are just purely for your enjoyment, which almost no AAA games do now. This game makes you think outside the box and is easily one of the best games of the year.


1 comment:

  1. Very interesting. I like how you notice so many aspects of the game.
